Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Warning: This is a Rant.

I mean it. If you are easily offended, stay away. ~Hilary

Okay, so seriously people... Congress needs to just pass the health care bill already. Health care in this country is RIDICULOUS and I do not know WHAT the hold up is. I mean, I do know what the hold up is, it's people who think that health care is a privilege and not a basic human right, but I don't know how ANYBODY can hold that opinion in the 21st century, so I don't know what the hold up is. This isn't the dark ages people! Everyone should have access to affordable health care. I mean, trust me, I know I'm one of the lucky ones. I have health insurance. It's provided by my job. I don't even have to pay the premiums. I am lucky, lucky, lucky and I CANT AFFORD THE DOCTOR BILLS. And if that is the case, then how the hell can anybody who isn't as lucky as me go to the doctor? Answer: THEY CAN'T!
I mean, my insurance covers a lot. It cuts my prescription prices by 60% or more. If I didn't have it, I would be even more screwed. But for all of that, it still is costing close to $50 a week for Dan to have the physical therapy he needs (which is actually making him feel better PTL, they think he tore a ligament but we will know for sure when we get the MRI results) which is $200 a month which is like 20% of my monthly income. And the insurance won't cover a penny because I haven't paid my deductible yet for the year because the deductible is... oh yeah... FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS. That is very, very close to HALF what I make in a year. NOBODY, NOBODY can afford to pay HALF of their income in doctor's bills. AND MAY I REMIND YOU THAT THIS IS SOMEONE WHO HAS INSURANCE!!!!

Honestly, all the people who vote based on one issue, and one issue only (read: abortion) need to get their heads out of the sand. Making abortion illegal isn't going to do a damn lick of good (even if it was possible to accomplish it) if nobody is going to take care of making sure the babies stay healthy once they are born. Nor would abortion be as attractive of an option if it wasn't like 20 times cheaper than giving birth. Oh sure sure, I don't want this baby, I can pay a few hundred dollars to have it torn out of my womb or a few thousand dollars to give birth to it and give it to someone else. Well, I might be WILLING to give birth to it and give it to someone else if I had the MONEY to do so. Of COURSE I am not in favor of abortion. I think it is a tragedy and a travesty and one of the worst evils in this country. BUT it is not the ONLY thing to worry about and there are more practical ways to reduce and eliminate abortion than wasting all our time and effort and money on making it illegal. STOP calling yourselves pro-life, you are only pro-birth, you don't give a DAMN about what happens to that baby once it's born or you would make sure it had access to the DOCTOR when it needed it.

And all the people who say that Christians should be the ones taking care of the sick and the poor and the hungry not the government... well I have news for you. YES you are right but we are doing a piss poor job of it right now so what makes you think it would work if we were the ONLY option. At least the government can make laws and take TAXES rather than tithes which are a little more reliable. Plus Christians are so self-righteously "debt-free" and "good stewards" and what ever other holy sounding synonyms we can come up with for STINGY that they won't even tip a waitress more than a couple dollars, even though they know damn well that waitresses don't even get minimum wage. But if that waitress got pregnant I bet they'd tell her not to have an abortion. What makes you think Christians are willing to part with their money to the needy? They are too busy making sure that the needy DESERVE their help... there is no such thing as mercy anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Dayum, Hilary. My ears actually hurt after reading all that yelling. You should've used CAPSLOCK though.

    I definitely agree about not voting on only one issue. It always bothers me when people talk about why they support their candidate and only mention abortion. Hey, maybe this health care bill will allow more women to get access to decent birth control and reduce the number of abortions.

    Also, this may sound bizzarre, but I don't think abortion is as horrifically bad as many people say it is. Coming from the idea that any sin is just as bad as any other sin, it makes abortion look less evil than it's typically made out to be by pro-lifers. In this case, at the very least, we have a baby with a guaranteed place in Heaven and a woman who has sinned no more so than anyone else.
