Wednesday, June 17, 2009

As per Stephen's request

This is Dan!

Hey everyone, another late night post from me. It seems like I'm having a lot of late nights lately. Mostly due to the fact that Hilary and I are having a hard time getting on a regular sleeping schedule.

Anyway I am starting to feel a whole lot better about where I stand with this internship. Hilary is going to teach the lesson on wednesday and she has come up with a really awesome idea. We are speaking on parables all summer long as mentioned before, so this week we'll be doing the parable of the sower. She is going to use how the different places that the seeds fell to represent different points in our faith journey. I thought it was a fantastic idea.

We are also working on a destination unknown for the teens. It is a tradition at this church that all the upcoming youth members get kidnapped and brought to a secret event as an initiation. So we are going to do a scavenger hunt at the nearest mall, which is like 45 minutes away but w/e. I'm really looking forward to it. It'll be next saturday, June 27th.

Also on the 28th I'll be preaching. It's a sunday evening service but I'm really nervous. I've decided to speak on how when bad things happen, good things will come out of the ashes. I'm titling it "No rain, no rainbows" after the sprint commercial where they imagine what the world would be like if it were ran by movie crews. It cracks me up. I'll also be dealing with the story of Joseph and specifically how if he hadn't ended up in prison, he never would have become 2nd in command of Egypt and able to save his family from the famine.

Well that is all for now...more to come



  1. Wow Dan, sounds like all the prayers are working. Please remember that we're all human and imperfect.

    It wouldn't hurt if you and Hilary both took a single 250 mg Tylenol to help you sleep, it's very calming. Of course at my age, I need to take it, lol!

    Our church has cancelled this Wed. evening's services for the funeral of the young man killed in a car accident. His parents are so awesome. On public TV, they offered forgiveness to the family of the boy who ran the red light and killed their son. Truly amazing.

    Blessings to both of you for tonight's lesson and for Sunday!!

  2. Oooh. That's a good idea, Dan. Praising God even when bad things happen is a good habit to get into.

  3. Maybe God had your caffiene stolen so that you could sleep better?
