Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Counting Our Blessings

This is Hilary posting...

Dan and I have shared about the many hardships we have faced, including times of doubt, times of faith testing, and our seemingly never ending struggle with insomnia and fatigue. I just thought I would take some time to also post about our blessings.

First of all, we are surrounded here by people who are truly living their Christian faith. This church is a family, and they have welcomed us with open arms. We are now a part of this family, surrounded by their love and encouragement. I do not think we could be in a better place for a learning environment. We are loved and accepted for who we are and challenged and encouraged to grow and be better. They take care of us. We are so blessed.

Secondly, we are figuratively surrounded by you all, our dearest friends and family. There are so many people out there both interested in keeping up with our lives and praying for us. We are uplifted and supported by your love and prayers. Though you are not with us physically, you are with us in your hearts and in ours, and we are so grateful for your presence in our lives now, and the influences each and every one of you had in getting us to this point.

Thirdly, we are hugely blessed to have each other. When one of us is down, the other helps to bring a smile back to their face. We truly complement each other in every way. My strengths are in areas where Dan has weaknesses, and Dan's strengths are in areas where I have weaknesses. Together we make an awesome team, and being able to work together to hone those skills and become a better team is just awesome.

Fourthly, we have been blessed by a great group of teens to work with. They are polite and well-behaved. We are not kept over-busy disciplining, so youth nights go smoothly. They seem to have taken a shine to us; they listen to us and respect us. They are unique individuals, each of them wonderful in their own way, and as a collective group the best "starter group" we could have hoped for.

Of course, there are many more blessings in our lives at the moment, but those are the big four. God has blessed us beyond our wildest imaginations, and even though there are hard times and rough spots in the midst of all these blessings, God is using even them to bless us, by stretching us and helping us to grow, to depend evermore on Him.

Thank you, all of you, for being a part of this journey with us. Your support and prayers are appreciated more than you know.



  1. I'm glad things are going a bit smoother for you. Hopefully we can have a nice talk soon. I want to hear how your game went (the one about the seed and different types of ground) Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and not dying of heat, as I feel I might very soon. :)

    Looking forward to talking to you (eventually!)


  2. Awww, thanks. You guys make me feel very special. And of course you are both very welcome. I love you guys and I want to see you both succeed in doing God's will wholeheartedly and in being happy.

    Note: If this post doesn't make sense, it's because I just had my wisdom teeth taken out and I'm on 650 MG of Darveset. It doesn't seem to have much of an effect on my mind, but you never know. =P

    PS: I do not find getting wisdom teeth removed to be nearly as bad as everyone has made it out to be. =?

  3. Very nice Hilary! Steveo - hope you feel better soon. I had my wisdom teeth pulled many years ago and I remember the pain. No thanks! Hope that pain medicine is working for you. Glad you're on that and not Vicodin, or you wouldn't be able to post at all, lol!

    Dan and Hilary, your family - your entire family, are very proud of you and you both are very loved!

    "Aunt" Marta :]

  4. This post is just beautiful - I am so proud of both of you !! Our Heavenly Father has truly blessed the two of you. Hilary and Dan, you really are surrounded by people who love you and pray for you and it is wonderful to see that you know this and appreciate it so much. I am so thankful that the people of your church in Lisbon have made you part of their family and are showering you with love and encouragement. God is so good - He placed you right where you needed to be and where people needed you !!
    Psalm 150 (English Standard Version)
    Praise the Lord!
    Praise God in His sanctuary;
    praise Him in His mighty heavens!
    Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
    praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
    Praise Hin with trumpet sound;
    praise Him with lute and harp!
    Praise Him with tambourine and dance;
    praise Him with strings and pipe!
    Praise Him with sounding cymbals;
    praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!
    Let everything the has breath praise the Lord!
    Praise the Lord!

    Love you, Mom
