Friday, June 12, 2009


Tonight was our bonfire, which was really so small it was basically a campfire, which the kids called us out on. Geez, when I was in youth group a little tiny fire like that was considered a bonfire. Of course, it probably has something to do with the fact that it's totally rural out here. Out here, bonfire means BIG fire.

This event seemed to go much better than Wednesday night. Part of that is simply because it was more low key. I mean, it's hard to go wrong when all you're doing is hanging out. No pressure of a lesson or anything. There were probably 11 or 12 kids, a pretty good turn out. A couple of kids were not regular attenders but were guests of friends, so that's a good sign. We had a good time joking around and getting to know each other, and I was pleased by the way the group seemed to include everybody most of the time.

A couple of not-so-fun incidents happened. At the beginning of the night, one girl dropped a frog down another girl's sweatshirt, and it took us a long time to find it and get it out, and she was crying and freaking out. And I don't blame her one bit! Part of the reason I had such a hard time trying to find the frog and help her get it out was because I didn't want it to fall out and actually ::gasp:: TOUCH me! But we finally got it out and then I made Dan throw it somewhere where the kids couldn't find it again and get up to more mischief.

Also, at one point, more than half the kids around our bonfire (sorry, campfire) circle had their cell phones out and were completely not interacting with each other. What IS it with people and technology these days? Although, that was actually kind of a blessing in disguise. Dan and I quickly put a stop to it, and it gave us our first real chance to test our authority, so to speak. Would the kids actually listen to us, as young as we are? Fortunately, no one challenged us, and I was grateful for that. I hope they continue to listen to us. I know at least for me, it's scary to give direct orders, but I feel a little better now that I've had to do it and nobody rebelled.

So, all in all it was an exciting night. Plus, I ate s'mores, and you can never go wrong with that, right? Love you all,



  1. S'mores are yummy. I keep making them in my apartment....yeah it doesn't turn out quite right. Sounds like a very eventful night. Seems like everything went well though besides the frog. That's just gross. I give you both my blessing and I know that those kids will like you both in the end. All easier. Dan I love you and I'm very proud of the work that you do. Mother would be giving you such praise and telling you to just be strong believe in god. Everything will work out. There was a mouse in the store I work at todaneed is practice and it'll gy....that was eventful and fun to watch my co-worker case around. I have a fun gift for you guys. I think I may buy a few more things before I send it out. I think you both will think it's quite funny.
    Love you guys,
    P.s Good luck.

  2. Praise God they listened! I too hate giving orders because I'm always afraid they won't listen to me. This is especially so with kids and some of the more rebellious of my coworkers. But, thankfully my coworkers listen to me most of the time. Just make sure to maintain that authority and you'll be good to go.

  3. Banana Boats are fun too Hilary, don't forget.

    Apparently you needed your dad to build you your fire. We had one, just burning branches and stuff from around here, that had to be at least double your father's height. It's a boy thing! BTW, that frog wasn't going to hurt you!

    The key to asserting your authority is to not let them see you are not certain you have any. If they balk, just make sure you have a follow up consquence. They will then believe you mean what you say.

    Love you both

  4. I've been telling Dan that banana boats are awesome, but he won't believe me! Anyway, we didn't have any bananas last night, but if we do a bonfire again, I'm totally getting some.
