Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Great Soda Mystery

This sounds like a case for Nancy Drew!

Or a kindergarten class... you know?

"Who stole the soda from the Holtz's fridge? SteveO stole the soda from the Holtz's fridge. (Who me?) Yes you! (Couldn't be!) Then WHO???"

Yes, WHO stole the soda from our fridge is what we are asking today. This morning, at breakfast, there were 8 cans of soda in our fridge. At lunch, there was only one. 2 cans of Mountain Dew, 2 cans of Game Fuel, and 3 cans of Pepsi mysteriously disappeared. Yes, the fridge is in the church kitchen, which is public space. But it is CLEARLY marked "Holtz Fridge" and the people in the church KNOW that the stuff in it is not for public use. Needless to say, we're pretty upset. Soda is kind of expensive and therefore usually a splurge for us. We found a GREAT deal last week and bought enough soda for pretty much the entire summer. Now, a week's worth is gone. We are frustrated and sad and mad. We are trying to be graceful and not sin in our anger. We don't even care if the culprit is caught, we just hope we can do something so a repeat of this doesn't happen, but we don't even know what could be done. After all, we don't even know HOW this happened in the first place. As far as we know, nobody was even in the church today, and we know the soda was there THIS MORNING!

With frustration,
Dan and Hilary


  1. Well, if you two didn't take any of them, then clearly someone else did unless God is try to test you and happens to like Mountain Dew.

    Was the church locked at all during this time? If so, who has access? Who would reasonably be up there at that time in the first place? If you can find them, you can at least get your soda back.

    The only idea I can think of to solve this for sure would be to put a lock on the refridgerator. Impractical, yes, and it sounds like an extreme course of action. But, it would technically work. I, personally, would prefer the more fun option of video surveillance so that way you can catch the criminal who stole your delicious beverages. But, that's even more impractical.

  2. Perhaps it was a prank? Or maybe God was not testing you and doesn't drink yucky stuff, but rather he is trying to tell you you shouldn't drink JUNK ;-) I hope I am correct and someone was just playing with you.

    Love you,

  3. If it were me I think I would contact the pastor of the church and let him know, and/or whoever is in charge of the kitchen. Please be careful with the energy drinks - a 15 year old boy around my parts here, had a heart attack because he drank so many of them.....pretty pathetic! He survived, but they are full of caffeine that you don't really need. Hope you find your culprit, who probably will be shocked and ashamed, and profusely apologize!
