Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just.... wow.

Hilary's turn...

Well, today I woke up at about 3:30 in the morning to go with my mom and KC to Bethany. I should be there right now, but today didn't exactly turn out as planned. Mom and I were just past Corning, only an hour and a half from Houghton, when K.C. called to say he'd flipped his car! HE was fine, but the car was not. So our trip to Bethany turned into an extended tour of the Corning hospital, (again, K.C. was discharged almost as soon as mom and I got there, he's just fine) Corning McDonalds, and a towing service in Bath. They have a Bath in New York. Does EVERY town in Michigan have a counterpart in New York?

Dan was awesome and made no complaints about me waking him up at 5:30 in the morning to come help out, and Dan's boss was awesome and didn't get upset about the fact that he had to skip his shift due to all this. I'm so glad KC's okay, and I hope all of his stuff is okay too. It seemed to be when we got it out of his car, but who knows until he actually tries it all out right? His keyboard was definitely all busted up, and the car is of course totaled.

God was definitely watching out for him and keeping him safe, and that's just awesome. I'm praying that this doesn't interfere too much with his freshman year of college... poor guy. But we all know that the devil likes to mess with us and try to hinder us from doing what we're supposed to be doing. I'm sure K.C. can stay strong and persevere.

Dan and I have been doing very well. It seems like every time we try to get those few last odds and ends unpacked, something happens which causes us to have to go do something else and put it off a while longer. Frustrating.

Dan has a perfect attendance record so far this school year. No classes missed, no chapels missed, no work shifts missed (well except for today but that doesn't count.) It's only one week, but it's a lot considering how badly his sinuses mess with him this time of year (summer by day, winter by night, ugh!) I'm very proud of him and know he can keep it up. Can I get a big "WAY TO GO DAN!"

I'm just praising God for seeing us all through the ordeal today, and for keeping K.C. safe. Our God is truly an awesome God. Can I get an AMEN?



  1. Dan has made it to an ENTIRE week of school and work? Dan? THE Dan?

    Pfft. And people say God doesn't do miracles anymore.

  2. Hey - I'm glad you guys are continuing this blog, somewhat anyway. I'm sorry about KC, but glad that he is OK and his instruments are fairly OK. You're right about the devil. We used to sing a song at my old church with only a couple words that I can remember, but they make me laugh: "Big God, itty bitty devil!"
    Ain't it the truth!

    Aunt Marta
